Monday, February 19, 2024

Long, Long, Ago

     Fio is wondering......are romance books still popular? You know the type she means--good-girl sex with a happy ending--two of which your girl got published before her roof fell down on her. 

     Of course, looking at her stories now, she would have done a lot of things differently, but she's just found a sackful of halfway finished romances and mayhap she could get into the game again. Of course, her membership has lapsed and she 's lost touch with every writer she has ever knew due to Covid and her lack of transportation, but we'll see, we'll see......

     Okay, Fiorella will admit it: maybe  jumping into  romance writing again would get her some friends with  generous transportation. In the meantime, your girl will try to gather together all of her half-written pages.

Wahoo! Fio just found a page from when she was teaching, which reads as follows:

     Call roll

     Pass out daily test

     Test today--class activity

     Read "Thanatopsis" 

                (a) foot

                (b) meter

                (c) rhyme scheme

                 (d) meaning

      Read bio of Emily aloud, read four poems aloud #241, #341, #712, 986.   

      Class activity--divide into four groups, explain to class

         I pt--foot

         I pt--meter

          I--rhyme scheme

          5  points--meaning

          2  points-- presentation



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