Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 In Fio's neighborhood, trick-or-treat is celebrated by a swath of children escorted by their hovering parents as they move from show-off house to show-off house in the dark of night.  It's a contest for adults, of course, of course.

Your girl is finally getting comfortable with her cell phone, but it seems to her that the good ol' telephone was a lot easier ....pray for her.

Fiorella seems to have run out of old movies to watch, movies and all. She'd rather get out-and-about anyway, but being half blind doesn't fill the bill. If only she could drive.....

Has Fio told you that she has, like almost every other woman nowadays, let her hair grow long? My mom would be grinding her teeth if she were still alive. She thought long hair looked "foreign," which was an anathema at the time. But your girl thought it looked sexy.......which may be another reason her mother wanted her daughter to get her hair cut short. 

Son L kindly dragged Fiorella's heavy coat out of storage last night because the winter, it was a comin' in. The next day, your girl turned off the fan in her bedroom because it was too warm. You can never predict Texas weather so it's good to be prepared.

 Can't paint on the big 4x5 right now for some reason. Thinking it's because Son K is in the hospital. Or maybe because yours truly has been so involved with her Halloween cut-outs.

Fiorella is eyeing the stacks of writings she has done through the years and thinking of making use of them somehow, but, as she knows from experience, it's hard to get published unless you already have a name.....and a friend in the business.


Monday, October 30, 2023

Getting up to a Bit of Speed Again

 Happy almost Halloween! It's almost here, and Fiorella has paper pumpkins in her window and a parade of paper bats up and down the hall. Trick or treating is different these days--at least in our neighborhood. Instead of a contingent of kids going up and down their territory, about fifty kids and their parents go from block to block, and rather than pick up goodies, they admire the the ghastly set ups. Ah, well....

It's turning cold now so overcoats and heavy jackets will be the things to wear.

 Meanwhile. your girl is still trying to reserve a driver to take her to the Blood People and get her tested. Chariot, the organization that helped her before, won't take anyone unless they have a cell phone, which Fio does, but doesn't know how to use. She left a message with Chariot and hopes it works. ARGGGGGGGGHHH!

This surprisingly cold weather is somewhat surprising, especially because of the especially hot summer. Ah, well....one against the other. Does it means we will actually get snow this winter? And Fio without anything but tennies?

Your girl has one whole side of her bedroom wall plastered with everything from pieces of the Spanish numerals to pictures of the her favorite doctor's name to all her children's phone numbers, addresses, and birthdays. Then there are some of her favorite pictures and drawings, and everything else you can imagine. Yep, your girl needs a bigger bedroom.

She needs more room for her arts and crafts, sewing, library, files too. But most of all, she needs friends: people who would encourage her, bring out the music, art, linguist, and writer in her. How to do it?  Travel unt Geld.



God        der Gott

 good      gut


If you spot blood dripping down your girl's hand as she writes, it's from the cat--the one that loves Fio--who kept trying to persuade her to to touch noses the whole time through.

This is one of Fiorella's favorite of her poems, and she has probably posted it before, but it bears repeating:

L'enoi to "Blind"

      In the theater of the mind ,

      The unremitting reels unwind,

        Horrors ceaselessly replay,

        Obscuring now for yesterday

                In the theater of the blind,     

                 Eyes that see too much go blind

Sunday, October 29, 2023


 NO SHOW TONIGHT---FIORELLA ISN'T IN THE MOOD........oops, this was supposed to be yesterday!


Our pastor came today and we had a very nice talk about how things have changed since your girl could jump into her car and drive to the church to enjoy herself and her friends at worship. In fact, she's pretty sure that not a single person from her past would remember her anymore.

Other weather is getting cooler faster now----will we actually have snow this year? 😁😁😁

This is going to be another short Forella, but Fio will get up-to-material pretty soon, probably after she's figured out how to manage the cell phone that she's wrestling with.

Oops, wow! While going through a pile of family pictures from the Civil War era, your, girl found one that looked so much like herself that it was frightening! To make it even more scary, Fio recognized it as a picture of her great-grandmother which your girl had painted years and years ago--blue eyes and all.

 Fiorella is getting restless and wants more to do than lie on her bed and watch television shows and movies that she has seen before.




Friday, October 27, 2023

A Short Visit with Fiorella

 Here your girl is again, and she can proudly say that she has contacted the transport people and made tentative arrangements for getting to the blood people at the right time. Wahoo! 

Looking through her language books, Fiorella agrees with Brother and wife that the languages they were encountering in their wonderful holiday visit were Czech and Slovak, which some of our ancestors might have been, but then, there are also the Carpathio Ruseens. What fun to have mixed up genes! God bless America!

Today is Fio's grocery day, when your girl's former maid drives her out to pick up her groceries, etc., at H-E-B, the king of Texas--or maybe it will be tomorrow. Whatever, it's always a joy because we've known each other so long.

How are your Halloween decorations going? Fiorella has finally gotten her pumpkins (all paper) looking good....but even a drop of rain would wilt them. (Luckily, she has always been able to salvage her black bats, paint them green, and use them for for Christmas as holly. 😁)

************************************************************************************* GERMAN, GERMAN.....Fiorella thirsts for das German, but she wants to learn it HER way, not in a classroom. Hmm...maybe she could work with a tutor or two, you think? (Anyone volunteering?)


Fio is tired so she'll beg off for the day. Sleep well!


Thursday, October 26, 2023

This and That.................

 Fiorella is sooooo bored! She's taped and re-taped her paper Halloween pumpkins on her front window, tried (and failed) to get an appointment with her doctor's office, then couldn't find something worthwhile on TV. Even Hercule Poirot is getting old, old, old.

You might suggest that Fio get in touch with her brother, but she called him last night and we had a nice talk, and your girl doesn't want to overuse him. 

What your girl would really like to do is visit with her friends....but the only ones she seems to have are in Vermont and England. What a change from her former life, when she was usually at the head of the tribe.

Ah, well....time marches on and maybe tomorrow will be better. 


Deutsch is the language

Deutschland is the country 

Deutschstunde is the schoolclass                    


 This may be an observasion Fio has posted before:

  I watched a laughing child in years gone by

  Below my window gather bits of Spring

  Arbutus whiter than the moon could cry

 The joyous news of life's awakening


 The child would touch the vine about my door

 And just as quick, it shed it's coat of frost 

  Her feat had scarcely trod the forest floor

  Before the winter's hard campaign was lost


 The seasons roll themselves up into years

 As springtime swiftly burns itself to fall

 A woman clothed in black appears

 And walks the dying world within my wall

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


 Fiorella is bored, bored, bored. She's taped up a cute pumpkin design in her front window, gone through far too many TV shows that she's seen before, and called Walgreens that she'll eventually pick up her bottle of pills that actually, she'll probably never need again. 

What next? Your girl is the action type, and there's nothing for her to do but walk up the street to the mail box.... except that she doesn't have any envelopes to mail.

Maybe Fio will pick up her paint brushes and return to the 4x5 family portrait she started so many years ago--she's pretty sure the rough canvas is dry enough by now that it won't bleed. Maybe she could also go through the build-up on her bedside table again--and the left wall in her bedroom, on which your girl has been tacking all her chuckles, pictures, memorials, important news, and letters, etc.


        Arbeit.............work      the "ei' is pronounced like English "I"

         Arbeiter..........worker         "                                         "


We want so desperately to believe there is an order to the universe, a tomorrow that has already been, a purpose, a plot. We want to believe in signs and portents--anything because there is a a security in having a destiny to fulfill, however  minuscule or frightening.

The future is unknown because because it has not yet been. It can be controlled  to some degree, but not seen. It can be determined (decided physically or mentally) to some degree, if one is in tune, but not seen, can be determined (decided), but it can't be neutrally seen because it doesn't exist in that context.


Tuesday, October 24, 2023


 Things are looking brighter for Fiorella. Not only are her Halloween decorations mounted inside and out, but Son L took charge of her computer and got her onto a better system--at the same time getting her off of the system installed way back before Husband died. THANK YOU!

Your girl went through some family things and did her own cleaning, inside and out, and she'd like to think that the messages she's taped and pinned on the wall beside her bed are dwindling. Maybe now Fio can hitch a ride with Chariot and get her blood checked out.

Meanwhile, Fio can look through her newly found--and truly loved--German book, to which you will be subjected again. 😊😊😊😊😊

By now, of course, it is evident to you that English is a Germanic language, as are Scottish, Dutch, Swedish, and Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, and more.


How about our word for the day being  "teacher and student?" student: 




       Your girl has found some of her old writings worthy of another go-round, so buckle your seats, hold onto the your computer, and enjoy the show!

Monday, October 23, 2023


 Hey, hey, hey! Your girl is off to a roaring start: SHE FOUND HER GERMAN BOOK! It was being hidden by another book in the corner of her bedroom window, and when Fio was was walking by, she caught a glimpse of ORANGE that could be non other!


         Up and up and up I go

          Continuing in my self-paced flow

           No one knows when I will stop

            Or drop


     L'envoi to "Blind" 

          In the theater to the mind

          The unremitting reels unwind

           Horrors ceaselessly replay

            Obscuring now for yesterday

               In the theater of the mind

                Eyes that see too much go blind  

I write when I am happy

I write when I am sad

I write when I feel good

I write when I feel bad 

    Wherever I go

    Wherever I be 

     I take my pen

     Along with me



Sunday, October 22, 2023

 Fio had a very difficult time yesterday. Hope you did  better. Today has been better for her than the summer, but it's still way too hot.  If she had a pool in her yard or lived near a public pool, she would  pack up a swimsuit, towel, and sunglasses and have a great time. 

 ALARM, ALARM-- your girl has lost her beloved pink straw hat-- again.

On the good side, Son L was kind enough to spend a fair amount of time tending to Fiorella's banks. 

No, Fio has not found her German book yet, and she's scoured her rooms from top to bottom and under the bed.


Your girl has decided to entertain you with one of Fio's poems which you  or may not have heard before:  

                       Jack-in-the Box

       How to suffocate a clown:

       Fist you push its head way down

       Deep into the shiny box

       Until the mechanism locks

       Then you tuck the box away

       Where to wish for it to stay,

        For jacks are troublesome at best,

        Embarrassing when there are guests


        When all that I have said's been done

        Hold your tonge and tell no one

        Tell not a soal what you're about

         For he might let the damn Jack out


           And that is how to handle the latter-- 

            But Fiorella-in-the-box is another matter!


              The pond's o'r froze, 


 The pond's o'erfroze, the corn is blight  

           The fields frost silver-white

            The icebound branches of the trees

             Are breaking in the winter breeze

    The ground ishard, the sky is bare

               The sobbing wind alone disturbs the air.   

                And cries alone its grief, unreconciled,

                As Ceres searches for her missing child





Thursday, October 19, 2023


 Fiorella has had a bad day and has sat in pity of herself most of the time. Nothing she seemed to touch or think of worked like it should--including her major bank, which is threatening to close her account unless your girl visits them. Thus, she will be dropping by tomorrow with her eyes flinty and her mouth tight. (Stay tuned for the blow up.)

The German textbook is still in abeyance, which further discontents Fio because, as you remember, she is learning at the same pace you are, although your girl has the advantage of having had a German grandmother way back when..... and a more recent degree in in linguistics.

But what Fiorella would like to see is more people her age and interests. Yes, she likes going home every evening to a safe bed, but she also wants to wake up and slide out of bed in the morning with joy, laughter and determination.

Love, Fiorella



Wednesday, October 18, 2023


SAME OLD< SAME OLD LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO What should Fiorella write about for Halloween except that kids dress up in cute costumes and have a great time while their parents hang around their neighbor's front door and hope the treats won't run out.

Your girl isn't feeling too good now. Her trip to the church she truly loved seemed different: bigger and more people than she remembered. But embarrassingly-- no one, it seamed, knew Fio. Also, Fiorella had a hard time keeping up on songs and chants that she'd no doubt heard sung in her mother's pre-natel womb.

HOW, O HOW,  can older adults visit with each other if they don't drive?


German: Still searching


That's all for today.....except that I am now alone in the house, which scares me.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023



OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fiorella is crying again. Of all people, Chariot, the local transport for older people, let her down, down, down. She was supposed to have her blood checked out today and thought she had everything taken care of, but at the last moment she found out that she had to have a cellphone, which she doesn't.  Son L took the telephone and  we thought everything was okay, but it's an hour past her appointment, and no car has stopped at Fio's door. Sometimes it seems like life isn't worth living.

On the other hand, two people waved at Fio as she walked down the cul-de-sac in the morning, then halfway down and back in mid-afternoon.

Mulling it over, Gethsemane, our old church, seemed much bigger than when Fio and husband were members. Am wondering if additions have been added on.

Actually, Fio was surprised that no one approached to say hello and say "Hello," before or after the service. I recognized them, and surely they recognized your girl.





 On the other hand, Fio had a lovely visit by phone with long-time friend Paula M, and if anyone else would be kind enough to contact Fiorella, Thank you, thank you, thank you!  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Monday, October 16, 2023


 DONDE ESTA MI GERMAN BOOK? It's been missing for two days now, and your girl has checked all over her room and studio. If you find it (orange on pale brown) please let her know.  Strangely, as you can see, some of her ragged Spanish popped up as she was tearing apart her room looking for the book--is that a message of some sort?

Fiorella's older son is in the hospital now. Please join Fiorella in praying for his full recovery. 

For the first time in years, Fio was able to obtain attendance to her own church--but it looked so different, so very big. Your girl was able to identify some of the people there, but was wondering if it  had been remodeled. (She may have been pulling out memories of her childhood church.)

How strange: three of Fio's finger nails have cracked off, which is quite unusual.  Another bad sign? But what of?

That's all Fio has to say at this time, but she might add more later on......


 Addition: Fio has started working on her Halloween decorations, making bats, moons, and the like. As you might guess, your girl's decors are more cute than scary.

Her German book is still missing even though Fiorella has checked out her rooms right, left, and sideways.

Strangely, although your girl recognized a fair number of people in the old church she attended, but the church itself seemed somewhat unfamiliar to her. She used to to know every crack of it......



Sunday, October 15, 2023

Not Too Great a Day


 Hurray! Your girl made it to Gethsemane, her former church. The only problem was that, of course, she could hardly talk because she still has this horrible, unshakable cold that makes her sound like a bull frog. Surprisingly, she also spotted a few people she used to know and waved at them, but what she really wanted to do was take them home with her so to talk with and talk and talk with them. Is it that way with all older people? Do we all end up in the closet?

Fiorella's elder son, who lives in Minesota, is in the hospital. According to his wife, the problem has been going on for some time, and all your girl can do is pray for him, which she does, which she does.....

Now that she's back to her preferred church, again, you'll have to start practicing every day....if her family can stand it.

Fio's stuffed bear, the one that she sleeps with every night, has been very comforting lately. (Translation: too much is happening that your girl is having to handle on her own.)


 German:  Das Buch......the book

                 the "uch" is pronounced more like "oo" with a heard breath


Fiorella has misplaced the book that she was taking intriguing partials from. Hoping to find it tomorrow.





Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pulling It All Together



Fiorella seems to have developed an on-and-off pattern, but that's how her life has been going recently.  The rest of the family is at a zoo while she is lying on her bed and trying to figure our her latest email messages from her banks. Ah well--Son  L will help her wade through everything when the rest of the family returns this evening. Thank goodness that he didn't inherit his mother's wobbly math talents!

Tomorrow will be the day that your girl will finally get to attend church, thanks to a parishener who, as it turns out, lives fairly nearby. Fio has attended church almost all her life, and she isn't going to stop now. Now to figure what to wear. Will the congregation welcome her? Will anyone remember her from times past? Is your girl repeating herself?

Of course, Fiorella has a reason for wanting to get back to church again: a yearning for company. Your girl has always been a people person. Just think of all the plays she's been in and how much she enjoyed performing, singing, and acting. Hey--she just realized that, during her teaching years, she was always performing to keep the students attention, AND IT WORKED....for them and for herself.

She had no idea how much fun it was until she joined the gang--and now, she misses them all!



     Wie is Ihr Name..........What is your name?

       Wie alt bit du? ...........How old are you?                       


She eased into  the double car garage and cast an evil eye on the pile of luggage and household items that she and her sister had unloaded from the U-Haul trailer when they drove in yesterday evening. God, now they'd have to schlep it all into the house. but maybe a little manual labor would help her clear a certain  redheaded Texan out of her head. 

Damn! Why couldn't she stop thinking about Rafe McAllister?


Thursday, October 12, 2023


 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAgain, Fiorella is afraid, afraid that our world will come apart, maybe like probably other wolds in the universe have done. Fio understands that, but doesn't comprehend why certain groups are so intent on killing off everyone who doesn't look like them or speak their language. And no, the "religious aspect" is not the cause, but an excuse for those who lust for wealth and power.

George, the gorgeous house feline, just came up to Fio, licked her nose, and curled up against her arm. There's a lot of dog in that cat.

Did your girl tell you she has cut out paper black paper in the shape of bats and orange paper in the shape of a harvest moon and taped them flying upward down the hall? She also has some small REAL pumpkins lining one side of the outside entryway, and she plans to pick up some even smaller pumpkins to line the inside entry.

When you were trick-or-treating, did you yell, "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat?"


 GERMAN:  Halloween.......Halloween

                      ghost................der Geist  ("ei") sound like English "I"


The curtain call line moved forwards one by one, and he heard the audience roaring with applause, probably for Billie Joe, who was always a favorite. Next would come Sersio, after which he himself would march out, clap his palm with his truncheon, and join hands with the rest of the players as Micaela and Phil took their solo bows.

Then there would be a pause as he fetched Moira from the wings so she could thank everyone involved and say a fewwords about the theater guild.

He checked the ring in his pocket.

That's when he'd strike.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Nice Day, Israelites, Church, Problems, etc.



Wasn't it a G-R-E-A-T day today? Fio had a wonderful time walking around the cul-de-sac, the sun was behind the clouds, the breeze lifted the air just right, and everyone was smiling.

On the other hand, your girl isn't as happy as she would be if the Palestinians (or whoever they are) would drop their weapons and make peace with the Israelites. Of course, then the planet would become bloated with people--which is why we should figure out how to set up settlements on another planet or two. Volunteers, anyone?

Fiorella is very nervous right now. Can you tell? She has to figure out what to wear later this week when a volunteer member of the congregation will drive her to church for the first time in years. What will everyone be wearing? Will she recognize anyone in the congregation? Will they recognize her? Will they give her a cold shoulder? If everything goes well, how can she get a permanent driver? 

Fio never thought that getting to church would be so difficult, but will do her best to report in on Sunday afternoon.


        Easy words:   Blume: flower

                               Gebush: bush


Pray for Fiorella's reappearance at church--that she's got on a nice outfit, that a couple of people at least will recognize her and she will recognize them, that she can figure out how to get a ride every Sunday in some way. (The problem is that her church is North and she now lives South.)


Tuesday, October 10, 2023


 Again, Fiorella is begging off. Your girl doesn't like violence, blood, or murder, even in a blog. Also, she's had a bad day and won't be able to get one of two her pills till tomorrow, she can't find a wall to Scotch  Tape her homemade black bat on, she really doesn't have anything to talk about except how worried she is and how none of the TV shows look interesting. THIS IS AGAIN NOT ONE OF YOUR GIRL'S BEST DAYS!

What we have to do is speed up the program that will prepare us to live in outer space. After all, if we have conquered Earth, so we should be able to do the same with one or two planets. 

Forella has never experienced such a frightening Halloween before. Hitler has been thrust into second place--and once the terrorists get the taste of blood, we will all be on a plate at the breakfast table.

Well, your girl had more to say than she thought, and she meant every word of it!


Monday, October 9, 2023

Falling Behind in a Puddle of Tears

 Your Fio doesn't think she'll be sending out much of a message today because (1), she's upset about the attack on Israel and (2), when she tried to find her Halloween bats, etc. to take her mind out off the attack, she couldn't find wherever she had put them, if anywhere.

All of which explains why Fio has been on and off all day. 

Israel is dear to her because her best childhood-and-onward friend was Jewish and her family very much embraced your girl. And Fio's paper creations are important to dear to her because they prove her worth as an artist....


German:   der Kunstler  artist 

                 der Freund    friend



Sunday, October 8, 2023



Forgive Fiorella, she is in a mess as to keeping her numbers straight, which means that today is actually "8."  She'll blame it all her television (or whatever they're called) if they're hitched to the wall.

For some reason--maybe a mischievous imp--your girl is having problems writing a blog today.  Maybe all will clear when Fio (AT LAST!) gets a ride to her church next Sunday. Now to figure out what to wear....

Back to Halloween, Fio has some cute cut-out of cats, witches, and pumpkins etc, that she made last year, but she doesn't remember if she packed them away in her room somewhere, in the garage, or piled them together with the rest of the families' loot in the attic. (Son L is also an artist.)

Something very wonderful happened over the past week. Your girl had sent a nice check for Son K's birthday to him, but then got very agitated at the postoffice when he didn't receive it in what she thought was a reasonable amount of time and started investigating. As it turned out, mail travels around a lot slower than your girl thought and (whew) now all is well on both sides of the check.    


Fio couldn't resist this one:

                  die Kopfschmerzen........headache

                  der Kopf ........................head


 Rafe introduced everyone rapid-fire . "Moira, come meet Great Uncle Tiny, Uncle Tom, Aunt Miriam, Cousin Miriam, Cousin Julie, Cousin Helen,  Cousin Tom,  and Cousin John. The young-un is Cousin Ryan." Moira nodded and smiled, but for once, her magic could couldn't process so many names and faces at once, especially since each and everyone of them was dresses as as a vampire.












Today, Fio doesn't have much to say. She missed her H-E-B date and will have to rely on Son L to drive her over there so she can pick up her groceries tomorrow, but at least the birthday check she sent Son K finally arrived at his doorstep. WHEW!

All in all, this was a bad day for your girl: she couldn't find her last year's Halloween decorations and somehow the TV had moved all her favorite shows off kilter. 

Worst of all, of course, was the eruption in the Middle East. And yes, Fio cried, then wondered if constant warfare is necessary to keep our world from overflowing ourselves.

Wondering what to wear when your girl attends her church next week. It's been a long time, and (1) Fio doesn't have any dresses at all, and (2) most of the people she used to know are gone. The pastor is the same, though, and your girl does have some nice slacks and tops. 


GERMAN      gestern      yesterday

                       huete         today


With his hands otherwise occupied, there was no way he could even reach out to Moira, but he got a buz on just from being near her. If they were alone, he'd have chanced backing her up against one of those cedar elms lining the road. Instead, he was walking along with his daughter on his shoulders and his tongue stuck to the top of his mouth.

Talk, you idiot. Say something, anything, so she knows your vocal chords are still working.


Friday, October 6, 2023


 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODid Fiorella also mention that during eighth and ninth grade (North Junior High with Miss Hubbard,) she took the major roll of the Captain Hook and and also learned how to debate? And that in High School, she participated in duet acting and debate? At the same time your ever-reading girl was learning Latin and writing her own little plays?

Somewhere along the line, Fio managed to join the English Literary Society, write little plays, and prepare for college, learning excerpts like from Fledermaus).

In civic theater, Fio appeared in Finian's Rainbow, Guys and Dolls, Beggar's Opera, and Euphrusine. She also composed some carols and formed her own group of Three Little Pigs for young audiences.  She also composed some carols. 

Basically, your girl is writing all this information down so she will remember it and so the reader might even be inspired by it. YES, YOU TOO CAN SING! YES TOO YOU CAN WRITE SONGS ON YOUR OWN! MUSIC, ART, LATIN, LANGUAGES, COMPOSITION: YOU CAN DO IT ALL IF YOU TRY!


GERMAN NUMBERS: eins, zwei, drei, vier, funf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zhen     

Note how much they are like the English!  Or rather, how much English is like German?

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO       What had Rafe McCallister done to her? Her pulse was thumping an her nerves humming, and she felt like she was floating on air. God help her, that was exactly what it had been like when Collin kissed her for the first time. 

Remember that, Moira, and don't let yourself get caught in another spiderweb. Forget about love--the windshield wipers backed her up with each swish--sex only, sex only, sex only.


Thursday, October 5, 2023



My family had undergone strange reverses through the years. When my children were younger, they wanted to exchange their nickles and quarter for pennies. Now they want to change their coins into bills and wouldn't be caught dead with pennies. 

My teenager used to do anything to escape bathing, hair-washing, and toothbrushing. Now he monpolizes the upstairs bathroom every morning and considers Polo cologn his most important school supply.

It's a losing battle-- I, who fought my mother at bedtime everynight for eighteen years, will do anything to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon now.

My children see no connection between the wet bathroom floor and the fact that they 'have no socks the next day.

High School students work hard at becoming clones of each other. It's a perfect age for drill teams--and the only one.


teacher    Lehrer  male teacher

                Lehrerin female teacher


1) A preschool hat model in a preschool church program

2)  Playing a high-stepping horse, a bear, and a triangle player in my kindergarten show

3)  The child who forgot to kneel and the first grade Christmas program

4)  The bunny who wanted to give eggs to the kids

5) Years of being the loudest on Sunday School programs, midsummer, Wizard.

6) Third, fourth, fifth at Baylor's Children Theater, Midsummer Nights Dream, Wizard of Oz etc.

      7th, 8th, 9th grade ETC.



Wednesday, October 4, 2023



Up and down, up and down! Fio is so happy about getting a hold of someone who will drive her to church periodically, but she's also crying about how hard it is--maybe impossible to finish off her large painting. The problem, which she didn't realize would be such a snag, is the canvas itself. It holds water, which makes your girl's brush strokes streak and dribble. 

Then there are the old television shows which, since she hands no friends, she relies on to lull herself to fall sleep at night. Where have her favorites gone? And why are the new ones so second rate?

And then there's the LIVELY that Fio has has yet to talk or receive on because SHE HAS NO IDEA HOW TO! Every little old lady in your girl's kindergarten class could record her granddaughter's'graduation into first grade except Your's Truly!

To top it off, the canvas that she's painting the family portrait on allows wet paint to go through it! Your girl is going to have to slow down and let various colors dry before she goes on. GRRRRRRRRR!


German: Automobile is Automobil (leave off the American "l."


 "A new beginning. It's the only thing former child star Moira Farrar wasnts. Putting her painful Hollywood in the rear view mirror, she's headed to Texas and to an exciting new job directing a small-town theater group. But it's the sinfully sexy smile of redheaded rancher Rafe McAllister that make Moira dream of starting over. 💗"


Tuesday, October 3, 2023



Hip, hip, hooray! Fiorella has finally scored a ride to her church!😀 As she understands it, the pick up will be just for twice a month, but your girl is overwhelming grateful. As she sees it, regular church attendance will open the door to her uniting with old friends and making new ones, all of which she needs in order to move upward in her battle against loneliness.

Hmm...Fio needs to get some new clothes if she's going to attend church regularly. The only ones she has now are jeans and shorts. Hope daughter can help Mom in that regard.

Looking back at loneliness, Fio has noticed that her post-trauma-brigade has dwindled off in the past month or so. Have they given up on your girl?  COME BACK! FIORELLA NEEDS ALL THE COMPANIONSHIP SHE CAN GET! (Hasn't she said that before?)

NOW, about Halloween. Yes, of course Fio will grab up all the miniature pumpkins in H-E-B she can get her hands on to decorate the front hall of the house again, and she thinks she's still got a fair number of witch cut-outs too. Maybe she'll decorate an extra window or two too. But, more important, what will YOU be doing?!😀


German: Halloween in das Deutsch in Halloween !


A sixth sense made her look up.

Rocky was standing just outside of the laundry room, a big smile on her face, a pistol in her hand. She lifted the gun and pointed it at at Moira. Her fingernails were decorated with yellow daisies on a purple background.

"You made me do this. I really didn't want to, but I can't have you standing between me and the C Bar M.


Monday, October 2, 2023



Fiorella is so board and lonely: Son is away at work, daughter-in-law is working from home, and even the cats are silent! Your girl does not like loneliness! Where are all those nice medical ladies who visited her when she was recovering from her shock and trauma? The ones that laughed with her and admired her paintings? Will she never see them again?

Right now, Fio is searching her bedroom and salon for what she might use for a picture of a eight-year-old holding a Christmas card in his hand which your girl will try to turn into a Christmas card as the holiday approaches. EEEK-- NOT THAT FAR AWAY NOW!

Oh, and has Fiorella told you that the television people have cut off her for-free contact to her favorite movies? And this isn't the first time--that they do it every time she hangs onto a show that she likes, like two those of Goldie Hawn.

Right now, Fio is sort of upset so that's all she'll say.




Hell...........Holle  (use an "e" sound for the O of Holle-- it has two dots on top of it)


Moira smiled as she walked up the wide steps of the imposing yellow buildings. Her life had changed a lot since the first time she entered the portals of the Mosque Bend  Museum. And it was all for the better. 

Her costume had changed to. The weather was springtime-wam so she'd worn a short crimson dress with a stylishly flared skirt. No need for her safari dress or sensible shoes any more. She was flying high. Gift of the Magi was a hit, and she was engaged to Red Rafe. 


Sunday, October 1, 2023




Running TWO posts? What the heck! Fio did get back to her painting and some of it is looking pretty good now, but lack of contact with the rest of the world isn't the best way to make one's conversational skills razor sharp. What your girl needs is conversation--lots of it!

There's an article in the newspaper about a foursome of local artists setting up a shop to to advertise their good, etc., but she isn't sure they are your girl's types of painters. Fiorella is more of a parkside set up and they seem to be fishing for bigger bait

Darn...Fio crushed one of her small gold fixtures. She doesn't remember who gave it to her, but if you're the one who did, thank you and please forgive her. 😢

 None of the nice women who drop by to check up on Fiorella have showed by lately and your girl is missing them. PLEASE, PLEASE, COME BACK TO ME! 


German:pleasant.  angenehm.         a

              unpleasant ungenehm.       u


     She shivered. The place had a bad feel to it, and they we re all alone.

     Not quite alone. A white horse was alloping toward them at breakneck speed.

     Rafe stood up in his saddle.  "Damnit. I've told Rocky not to run Bella like that!"

     Moira felt an urge to hide her face as Rocky approached. Now Rocky would know she'd spent the night.

      But what was there for her do do--pull the saddle blanket over her head? And it wasn't as if the channels of communication in Bosque Bend hadn't already spread the word far and wide that Moira Farar   had gone home with Rafe McAllister last night.




Fiorella is down and out today. She's been mostly working on the 4x5 and doing pretty well with it--until she wasn't. For some dumb reason, she started criticizing everything she had done on her painting, then tried it redo it all. Suicide, you say?

Your girl is wearing tannish color shorts and a University of Texas Hook'm Horns shirt from times past. She never knew either of them would last this long, nor that she could survive without a single dress in her closet. 

Hmm.... Fio used to make a fair number of her clothes too. Where are they? Lost in a long-ago transit or stuffed in a box that was never opened? (Will Fiorella have to climb up the ladder under the roof and empty all the leftover boxes for herself?) 



The dark.....  das Dunkel

The light.....  das Licht (emphasize the "icht" with a swooping sound)


 Rafe set Delilah down and touched Moira's arm to get her attention. She jerked as if he'd been wiping his feet on a nylon carpet.

Goddamm1 If she was that sensitive when he barely touched her, how would she react when he kissed her? When he held her against him like he had at Oscar's honky-tonk, but this time without everyone in Bosque Bend looking on?