Fiorella is so board and lonely: Son is away at work, daughter-in-law is working from home, and even the cats are silent! Your girl does not like loneliness! Where are all those nice medical ladies who visited her when she was recovering from her shock and trauma? The ones that laughed with her and admired her paintings? Will she never see them again?
Right now, Fio is searching her bedroom and salon for what she might use for a picture of a eight-year-old holding a Christmas card in his hand which your girl will try to turn into a Christmas card as the holiday approaches. EEEK-- NOT THAT FAR AWAY NOW!
Oh, and has Fiorella told you that the television people have cut off her for-free contact to her favorite movies? And this isn't the first time--that they do it every time she hangs onto a show that she likes, like two those of Goldie Hawn.
Right now, Fio is sort of upset so that's all she'll say.
Hell...........Holle (use an "e" sound for the O of Holle-- it has two dots on top of it)
Moira smiled as she walked up the wide steps of the imposing yellow buildings. Her life had changed a lot since the first time she entered the portals of the Mosque Bend Museum. And it was all for the better.
Her costume had changed to. The weather was springtime-wam so she'd worn a short crimson dress with a stylishly flared skirt. No need for her safari dress or sensible shoes any more. She was flying high. Gift of the Magi was a hit, and she was engaged to Red Rafe.
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