Monday, February 5, 2024

Hello! Where did everything else go?

 Your girl has been all over the house trying to find a certain poem she wanted to run again, but she CAN'T FIND IT AND IS AFRAID IT'S HIDING SOMEWHERE IN HER SQUEAKY CLEAN LAUNDRY, SO PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON FIO. (On the other hand, her bank is going to be handing over some nice greenbacks for a bank mistake, so everything is even.)

A-N-N-N -N-D, Fiorella is going to be mounting several of her poems again for you to enjoy or yawn at.

I know that God is Spanish

And here's the reason why--

With sun warmth  just departed

And night cool drawing nigh,

He places a black mantilla

Of lace o'er the waiting sky

The sun leaves slowly, giving thanks,

For such a long and lengthy stay

And, putting on her coat of colors

Leaves again for another day--

But I know that she will come again with haste

At dawn in coat of dye

For she has left her diamonds

Scattered in the sky

Fat women have big breasts

To nourish babies,

Fat women have soft laps

To comfort children,

Fat women have big hearts

To encompass the world


Four good words reveal the self

And these are they: "I want to help." 💕💕

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