Sunday, February 4, 2024

MORE POETRY, POETRY, POETRY! (Mostly from junior high, when she was really getting started, plus high school)

 WAHOO! Your girl just found a couple more tattered pages that she'll forces upon you:


                                The Quest

          The pond's o'er froze, the corn is is blight,

          The fields frost over silver-white,

           The ice-bound branches of the trees

            Are breaking in the winter breeze


            The ground is hard, the sky is bare,  

             The sobbing wind alone disturbs the air

            And cries aloud its grief, unreconciled,

            As Ceres searches for her missing child



                               Wild Plum 

             A wild plum branch on my door jamb

             Guards my soul from the devil

              But one night when he's calling me

              I'll to my window just to see

              What is is and what I am

               And what it's like at the witches revel


               I know that God is Spanish

                And here's the reason why

                With sun warmth just departed

                And night cool drawing nigh,

                 He places a black mantilla 

                 Of lace o'er the waiting sky


                 The sun leaves slowly, giving thanks

                  For such a long and lengthy stay,

                  And, putting on her coat of colors,

                  Leaves again for another day,

                  But I know she will come with haste

                  At dawn in coat of dye

                  For she has left her diamonds

                  Scattered in the sky


                   Fat women have big breasts

                   To nourish babies,

                   Fat women have soft laps

                   To comfort children

                    Fat woman have big hearts

                    To encompass the world


                                Four good words 

                                Reveal the self

                                And these are they:

                               "I want to help"

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