Saturday, May 5, 2018

What's Up with You, Fiorella?

Fiorella is working on three books at once now. The first one is that book she's been trying to finish up for more than a year, the heroine of which used to be named Phillipa but is now named Sabrina. The second one is a romance she got half-way through ten years ago and had to abandon because her agent and editor didn't like the eleven-year age difference between the hero and heroine. The third one is brand-spankin' new--a collusion with friend Patricia--and it's really exciting because it's a murder mystery starring a mature (= middle-aged) woman who teaches computer science on the college level.

Of course, in the meantime, Fiorella is handling family finances, laying down rocks and pruning cedars, keeping up friendships and relationships, learning languages, and trying to make the world a better place.  Yeah, with Fio, it's always full speed ahead. She was born that way.

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