Monday, May 28, 2018

Dog, Chase Bank, Breakfast, Amusement,

Sonia Dog took her mommy for a walk down to the dry creek, and, of course, Fio immediately began hauling fallen branches up the hill to the concrete driveway for use as future firewood. Miffed, Sonia trotted around to the front porch and yipped to be let in. Mommy's attention should have been on her, not those rotten old logs.🐕
It looks like Fio has at last settled her three-month feud with Chase Bank regrading the $319.05 they owe her, but she's not holding her breath. And even if they do pay up, they're still in debt to her: $4 for a photocopy, $.85 for a Fax, and about $50,000 for pain and suffering.😠
Breakfast in bed--where did the idea come from? It looks good in comic strips and movies, but in real life, the drink overturns, crumbs carpet the bed, and the recipient is the one who has to clean 🙄everything up.
 Fiorella has a talent for saying the audacious. It amuses her, but then, as Husband says, she is easily amused.🤣
Pray for Fio. She is going to try to learn how to use GPS this week.😊

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