Friday, May 18, 2018

Fio on Her Soapbox

If Fio and Husband survive Sonia, Fiorella wants her replacemnt to be an elderly dog from the pound.
A CAGED TIGER AT A HIGH SCHOOL PROM? What happend to the crepe-papered gym and teachers who made sure girls' necklines weren't too rvealing and none of the boys spiked the punch? What happened to our values? And did any school funds go into renting the tiger?
Fio does not wish anyone ill, but she does wish some people betterment.
Your faithful corespondent is an action kinda gal. She doesn't have time to ponder the secrets of the universe because she's so involved with the here and now.
Fiorella doesn't care if you curse like the proverbial sailor, but she is totally turned off if you say mean things, it hurts her heart.

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