Monday, September 10, 2018

Third Time Charm

Fiorella had an interesting experience recently--she was formally dropped as a friend. Frankly, it came as a surprise because while she and FF (former friend) had had their differences, Fio had no idea that FF considered her unsupportive, insensitive, and narcisisstic.

But Fio should have been expecting it--FF had tried to break up the friendship twice before, once, last year when Fiorella canceled for their weekly meeting because Son and family were coming to visit, and another time when FF thought Fiorella was disrespecting her viepoint regarding a book they were working on together. (Fiorella had immediately retreated, giving FF her notes and her blessing. Surprise--FF couldn't move ahead on her own.)

The break-up came last weekend. Apparently, FF had been building up a coke pile of resentment for quite a while, and when Fiorella canceled yet another meet-up because of yet another visit by her son, FF exploded and sent Fio a Dear John email.

In retrospect, since FF had earlier floated the idea that Fio was "afraid to move outside her comfort zone," and that Fio's style of writing wouldn't satisfy "modern" readers, Fiorella should have realized that FF was building up to some kind of psychotic break, but, whatever, third time is the charm, and while Fiorella will be polite to FF if they ever cross paths again, she will not put herself in the line of fire.


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