Sunday, September 23, 2018

Iddle Bits Here and There

Every parent, Fio thinks, wants his child to surpass him--or maybe that's just Fiorella.
Oops, Fio fell asleep on the couch and dreamed that her ex-friend cornered her on a parking lot and tried to guilt her into acknowledging her disloyal ways and becoming the sort of friend she wanted Fio to be. Fiorella said no and fled the scene. Once burned, twice shy.
The next thing we know, only people wearing a MAGA hat will be allowed to get public assistance.
Fio can move forward only if she doesn't have to continually repeat the past. For instance, she cannot get to the rest of the house if she has to continually clean up other people's messes in the laundry/arts-and-crafts room.
Fiorella has never understood the idea that the more people you can round up to pray for you, the more likely God will pay attention to you.  Is He running a popularity contest?

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