Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Five Take-aways

Okay, people, what's it with all the Mary Pickford curls on fully adult women?
Be in awe of Fiorella. Not only did she bathe standing in a cooking pot, but she washed her hair in the bathroom sink.
Fio will journey out today to find out how the heck to locate her iPhone photographs and copy them onto her Facebook page and blog. She'll also worm her access code out of her bank so she can check on her savings account on line. And she's going to write all the instructions down this time too.
Fiorella is depressed. The political scene is a downer, she seems to be leaking money, and despite her best efforts, the house is an overstuffed mess. Of course, a lot of that overstuffing is due to Fio. Remember, she's done everything she can to keep a copy of eveyrthing she's ever written, composed, drawn, or painted. Not that anyone will care in the future, of course. Recognition only comes to people who are better at marketing themselves than Fio is.
Maybe the relationship between Fiorella and FF, an IT person, was doomed from the start. After all, FF's favorite book was an oldie called Relic, in which the main characters were a museum and a monster, with humans playing sterotypical secondary roles

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