Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Continuing Story of FP

Fiorella's day started well. She knocked some things off her lista amarilla, then drove into Austin and had a great time at Dan's Hamburgers with friend Paula--so great, in fact, that they forgot to buy something to pay their table rent. The traffic of the ride home was a little rough because of a wreck on I-35, but it got cleared soon enough that Fio was able to make a lightning-fast sweep through H-E-B with her lista en mano and zoom back to the house before Fernando arrived. Not only did he mow the yards and take care of the grass growing in the driveway, but he also sawed up the big limbs Fio had retrieved from the dry creek and stacked them.

Then came eventime, when Fio couldn't get onto her savings account on line, then realized she might have messed up the taxes for 2017, and Husband called from his rehab center and asked her to look for his wallet, which he thinks he lost in her car when she took his out on furlough yesterday.

No cute ending for this story. Just prayers.

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