Monday, September 24, 2018

More and More Interesting...and Weird

For a person who has cut off a relationship with Fiorella, her FF (former friend) has been quite communicative. Surpised by the original declaration of break-up, Fio replied kindly, neither accepting nor casting blame, and thought that would be the end of it. Then came a long email which listed your faithful correspondent's sins of commission and omission. Things like Fio passing on invitations to attend movies and local festivals with FF,  showing no interest in reading "how to write" books FF recommended, and worst of all, not recognizing that FF was in need of emotional support and providing it.

Of course, Fio has run off the whole email mess in case she needs it for a future story, and if FF contacts her for a third time, Fiorella's only reply will be "Adieu."

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