Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers' Day Snippets

Fiorella was thrilled when Daughter called to invite Fio and her father out to eat for the holiday. Just think--Baby Girl is doing well enough to foot the bill!
Husband keeps telling Fio to sit down and take it easy for the day, but Fio suspects he's the one who wants to take it easy. Too bad. Fio wants to get the second set of bookshelves finished off right, and Husband is the man for the job. Fio thought she had finished them yesterday, but it turns out she put the top piece on upside down.
In fact, Fio has a whole list of thing she wants to get done today, and if it's HER day, she's darn well gonna do them! (What is this "relaxation" stuff everyone else keeps talking about?)

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