Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hair Today

Fiorella comes from a long line of clean-shaven men and mustachioed women. Yes, hirsutity runs in her female line.

Thus she's tried almost every hair-removal method in the book--or advertised on TV.

Electrolysis works well, but takes time and money. It's really not feasible for anything but small areas unless you're really dedicated. There's also a certain amount of pain involved. Fio's tried various depilatories too, but apparently her yeti leg pelt is stronger than their formulae. She's never tried professional waxing, but an at-home kit left a rather haphazard pattern on her legs. The sugar stuff out of Australia was nasty.

Yesterday she bought some pads that one is supposed to rub three times clockwise, three times counter. Today she tried them. They worked--but it took ten minutes to do about twenty square inches. Fio doesn't have that kind of time to spend on being satin smooth.

Okay, Fio admits it--she hasn't tried lasering, although she has been studying spa ads recently. The problem with is, of course, is the money, plus the fact that you have to keep it up.

So it's back to the ol' razor again. At least Fio has the comfort she'll never go bald--anywhere.

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