Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Under Fire

 Yesterday went good, but this morning your girl suddenly realized that although she'd gone home with a  carpal tunnel protector around her left shoulder that would supposedly guard her against pain, she didn't know how long she should keep it on--all the time, only when she was writing, when? And what about washing her hands? And wasn't there something about reporting in when a week had passed? And what about reporting in to the heart surgeon who had sent Fio to the carpel tunnel expert?

 The number of Chariot rides that Fiorella is taking to her doctors the next couple of weeks has not diminished, but their importance of each visit has--taking care of a bummed-up wrist doesn't count as much as getting a new pacemaker. Still, your girl likes to have EVERYTHING in tip-top condition.

Oops--the carpal tunnel protector didn't work. In fact, it awoke her in the middle of the night like a house afire. The next morning, she read through all she could find in her computer about carpal tunnel and has decided to pay another trip to the doctor, but this time, she'll be more informed.

Next week will be when Fio will get her broken bed fixed and (maybe) her closet remodeled--and perhaps even get the wainscotting in the room removed so she can move her bedside chests into a better position. 

Fio's thumb and first and second finger are burning so she can't write any more.





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