Saturday, April 9, 2022


 It's amazing what havoc one thumb and an accompanying finger can clause. Fio's left wrist tingles with fire every day, and every night, she goes to bed knowing that most of her "rest" will be occupied by twice as much of that fire. Why does she have to wait yet another week before surgery? Is this some kind of test?

The situation is especially irritating because your girl had just reached the settling-in stage of getting her bed repaired and her clothes closet renovated, But there's no way she's going to hire anyone for anything while she's in so much pain that she can hardly think. 

Having her hands threatened is, of course, the ultimate horror to someone who plays the piano, is an artist, writes like crazy, and reads, reads, reads, but thank goodness, Fio has a computer and--because she taught herself how to type at an early age but never learned how to do so correctly--has no trouble typing away solo with the middle finger of her right hand.😁

The important thing for your girl to remember is that this situation, no matter how grueling, is part of her decision to MOVE AHEAD. Sure, she'll have to get surgery on her hand...and perhaps a few other surgeries...but they are all cogs in her grand plan for personal recovery. Remember her kite poem--Fiorella plans to fly high!

Now, if you will excuse her, she will snap open a baby Coke.😁

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