Sunday, April 17, 2022


 Fiorella is so bored--but that's how it is when (1) your left hand is bound by a six-foot round ball of tape and cotton and you have been instructed to keep it that way for at least three days, and (2), you are afraid you might get the wrappings wet by accident and have to return to the doctor for another operation, and (3), you can't even kneel down and scoop up a nice fake egg or two from the box your Easter stuff was packed in a  because your bound-up hand is in no shape to do so.

How sad--in years past, Fio has hippity-hopped around her neighborhood wearing an Easter Bunny hat and giving out painted eggs to her neighbors, but never mind--your girl doesn't have her land legs yet and there's always next year--she hopes. 

One thing Fiorella wants to make sure of next year, when she has both of her hands available for action, is that Granddaughter learn how to dip eggs--and maybe even draw on them. It's nice to have a cute rabbit somewhere on the scene. One year--Fio kids you not--when her children were at just the right age, a tame rabbit hopped around front lawn shrubbery for a day or two. Probably someone's stray pet, but so appropriate.

Easter is the time of hope and new life, the forerunner of spring to come, and your girl prays that the grueling procedure she signed up for will result in full use of her left hand again. The piano is waiting, and so are her pens and paints. It would also mean that the tips of her fingers won't be so puffy that they can't feel each other.

Did Fio ever tell you that when she was in the first grade and her teacher taught the class to sing "Easter Parade" for the holiday, your girl was assigned the lead speaking role?



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