Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Good Thing Fio's Cocolate Stash is Loaded!

 Aside from a nice phone call from friend Paula, it's been a bad day for Fiorella. As you know, your girl has been battling carpal tunnel and today was the day she'd get her ailing hand fixed--or that's what she thought--but the appointment turned out to be just another "talkie" meeting . Also, the date of the surgery has yet to be established. Fio, of curse, burst into tears, and is still weeping. DON'T THEY UNDERSTAND THAT RED-HOT FINGERS ARE  QUITE PAINFUL AND THE LONGER THEY DRAW OUT THE WAIT TIME, THE MORE PAIN SHE IS IN?!😠

Of course, the secondaries are that she can't play the piano, she has a hard time going to sleeping, she awakes in the middle of the night with her fingers stuck to each other, throbbing with pain. GRRRRRRRR! 😑

Your girl thought almost all her "have to" medical appointments would be finished off by now, but apparently, there are more coming down the road as doctors specialize more and more. Hey, what happened to the ol' family GP? πŸ˜’

Then there's Fio's left knee, which is apparently also taken multiple directions. Thus, instead of her beloved Dr. Michel covering the waterfront, a "Doctor Peck" will step in to the scene--to do what, your girl doesn't know. Hit it with a mallet?😠

The worst of it is that your girl can't wave her own flag--it would seem silly to thrust a Doctorate in Linguistics in with a swarm of MDs, but she's pretty sure she could out-Ling the whole lot of them any day of the week.😠

Why, oh why, did Fiorella get carpal tunnel and how can she make it go away? 😒





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