Sunday, April 3, 2022

Maching Onward!

 You know things are getting better for Fiorella if her major concerns are a bout of carpal tunnel and a big box of family pictures in her studio, both of which should be taken care of in about a week. Wow--all this free time for your girl to play around in. Part of it will be spent anxiously overseeing her bed being put back together again....and maybe getting her closet renovated, although Fio doesn't like to do too much at once.

NEWS FLASH! Your girl is thinking of working over her bathroom too.

But all this is fancy. Right now, Fiorella is still shuffling clothes around so that they're in their assigned places. Afterwords, she'll try to track down copies of the antique knobs that are missing on some of her nicer bedroom pieces.

Fio is somewhat handicapped with her left hand, but she can still read. In fact, she's been skimming through some of her old favorites, the ones she modeled her own books on, and decided that they aren't that great after all. Yep, your girl will take a new turn--more realism. Translation: the heroes will be less brawny and the heroines will be more lifelike. In fact, she might even sneak herself into a couple of her stories, and there's nobody more lifelike that Fiorella.😁

But in the meantime, your girl has to grit her teeth and continue to haul herself out of the traumas of her last four years. Viva la Fio!




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