Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday with Fiorella y El Espanol

Fiorella is very happy--los piedras are talking to her denuevo! Your girl thinks it's porque instead of picking up after los arboles, she's been going out on the acreage and harvesting piedras for use as edgings around her front-yard jardins. (Los piedras esta muy sensible, and Fio is half wondering if that fall on la entrada de piedras pequenas she had a while back was their revenge for her spending so much time defending los arboles from the County Commissioners.)
You may have noticed that Fio's been using mas espanol in her blogs denuevo. She's trying to catch up on last anno, when everything went blank.
Fiorella y su vecino had a hard time trying to talk to each other over the fence yesterday especially since they were standing at a ten-foot distance and her pero and his tres peros were barking at the same time. Might have to use the phone next time.
Okay, Fio admits it--one of the reasons she likes writing romances is that it makes her laugh to devise--uh--challenging situations her heroines.
Trump's Appearances --
    Lights, cameras, action
    Let the show begin--
    He gets high on the crowd
    And the crowd gets high on him

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