Tuesday, April 28, 2020

From Sprinklers to Korea (denuevo)

How about having your sprinkler system repaired, your new domain being put out on the web, adding about two thousand more words to your new romance, and losing your payments ledger--all on the same day and without leaving the property. Yes, when it comes to celebrating, Fiorella does it with a bang.
Your girl is toying around with watching morning shows en espanol in to get her language acquisition going denuevo, but she never thinks about it till the evening, when it's a little too late. The current Spanish-language nighttime shows are not to her taste.
Fio is happy to report that the jasmines she'd planted as borders to the flagstone walk last fall are really taking off. Just hope they will live up to their bad rep as plants that will conquer the world if left unattended.
When people lightly say that the coronavirus is like the flu, that it will pass, they don't realize that influenza was a death threat until the inoculations became available.
Still wondering about Kim Jung Un. Maybe he got the virus and his pal Trump suggested trying to cure himself with Lysol.

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