Monday, April 13, 2020

All Around the World

Fiorella is so fickle. All it takes is a bright sky and a rushing wind, and she's on top of the world again.
 Guess what? Fio has finished rocking the boundaries of the inner driveway. Now to cut out the dead rosemary and have her yard man gather up all the stray bricks around the house and stack them with the ones in the deep woods off the driveway.
Interesting that Sonia Dog, who usually barks like Mars is invading when a car comes down the driveway, did not react at all when Daughter made her food delivery on Saturday. Yep, Doggie knows who her people are.
Looking at the things she's pulled out of cabinets and dark corners while emptying the house has made Fiorella realize that she's lived quite a life so far... and encourages her to throw herself into even more ventures.
Wondering if Putin laughs himself to sleep every night at how easy it was to manipulate Trump into destroying the US. All Russia had to do was rig the 2016 election, and Trump's greed took it from there.

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