Sunday, April 19, 2020


Aha! Whining worked! Fiorella received three important bills yesterday, and she'll put the checks in her mail box tomorrow. On the other hand, she still can't find those two missing romances. 
Your girl had a really scare this morning--the charge cord of her computer wouldn't work. She tried all kinds of maneuvers, like moving the cord to another outlet, but nada. Fio was especially concerned that the offspring would be worried about her not posting her usual morning greetings (to let them know she's still alive) so she called them on the phone, assuring them that she would figure out a way to get a new charge cord. Before Fio had the chance to do so, Elder son got her on the cell phone and figured out what had gone wrong--a STAPLE had wedged itself in the charger, make it impossible to connect to the computer. WHOOPIE! Fio is in one piece again!
Come to think of the whole sequence, it's scary how dependent Fiorella has become on her laptop--to keep up with the news and her friends, to look up info, to record her literary endeavors, and to stay in touch with you, dear readers.
So what will Fio do with the rest of today? Well, there's a family Zoom thing at 11:00, and then your girl will be working on Lolly's story again. She'll also take a few walks around outside to see what affect the rain had on her so-called lawn.
Did she tell you she's been hauling in firewood from a pile someone dumped at the far side of the property? Such wastage!

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