Thursday, July 4, 2019

Rough Road for Fiorella

Well, as you might have predicted from the way Fio's life has been going lately, Wednesday didn't work out as planned.  She woke up after a bad dream convinced her that she, a meticulous bill payer, hadn't taken care of the taxes on the ranch, and she couldn't call Colorado to find out yea or nay for an hour and a half because of the time differences, which gave her far too much time to brood. (Yes, she had paid the taxes. Whew! )
Fiorella was planning to drive into Austin for a nice, soothing visit with Friend Paula, but she couldn't find her good glasses, although she ran all around the house searching for them, which meant that Sonia was running around the house behind her. Los lentes were never found, but Fio did find another land-line phone that wasn't working.
When your faithful correspondent tried to go out of the kitchen into the garage, Sonia Dog did something she had never done before: despite being told to "Take care of the house," the code used to signal that she was staying home, Doggie slipped out the door into the garage, trotted around to "her" door of the Mercedes and waited for it to be opened. Have you ever tried to force a 130 pound Mastiff back into the house?
Fio was exhausted and behind schedule by the time she pulled out of the driveway, but six miles down the road, she realized the car needed gas before she hit the highway, so she pulled into a Shell and filled the tank, then looked at her watch, turned around, and drove home. There was no way she could get to Austin  in twenty minutes. As soon as Fiorella got home, she called Paula and cancelled. Fio was pretty much a bag of nerves by then, but Paula calmed her down with a nice telephone chat.
Oh, and by the way, an on-site observer has told Fiorella that there were probably FOUR oaks that were cut down by the County Commissioner's flunkies--maybe FIVE--along with several elms. GRRRRRRRRRR!

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