Friday, July 19, 2019

Downer x Five

Yesterday was another hard day for Fio. Remember that Kwan and Mayfield told her they would have a crew over on Tuesday or Wednesday to transport the wood chips and split the logs? Well, Fio has seen neither hide nor hair of ANY workmen all week. Yep, your girl's been had again.
She also discovered she'd been had by Chase--again.  Unbeknownst to her, the bank was charging her $25 on her savings account/month because it wasn't properly "linked up' with her checking account. GRRRRR...
Then there's Baby Car, who, after passing her Mazda exam with flying colors and giving Fiorella no trouble for a week afterwards, suddenly refused to rev up for a drive to the registration office to make her legal.
Then there's the upcoming family reunion, which Fiorella is getting cold feet about. What if no one talks to her? What if she forgets peoples' names? What if the whole thing is a big, stupid, expensive bust?
She's also down because friend Jan sent her a copy of her new book, which Fio can hardly wait to read it because the cover is to die for, but for some reason, her Kindle won't accept the email version.

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