Friday, July 12, 2019

Hello, Depression, Once Again

Fiorella doesn't like being angry all the time, but it's better to be angry then depressed, which Fio is now. She's even thinking about talking to some kind of grief counselor--not about grief, actually, but about what might be called survivor burn-out. She has yet to make a new will, finish probate, and figure out her 2018 taxes. And then there's still the house to clean up and clean out.  When will her life ever be her own again?
Fio will admit that she's also a little lonely. Her neighbors and friends have been great, but they have their own lives to live and she doesn't want to be a nuisance. Part of the problem, of course, is that she lives thirty-five miles away from her old friends and several acres away from her new ones.
Fio's upcoming family reunion has also put pressure on her. She wants to get the new will written  before she heads off to the family reunion because she's nervous about flying.
She's also worrying about Sonia Dog, who's never been in a kennel before. Will Doggie think she's been abandoned? What if the attendants don't like her or, because she barks a lot, think she is vicious? Will they understand she's a sweetie who needs to love and be loved?
As Fio was writing this blog, a friend called and told her she'd been discussed at the HOA board meeting. The lyrics of "What can we do about Maria" ran through Fio's head, of course, but then she got mad again, always her best defense. Obviously, these guys don't have enough to do.

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