Thursday, July 11, 2019

Anger, HOA, Villain, President, Friend

Fiorella is angry. Why does she have to be the one who races around trying to save the world, who has to tackle the house, funeral homes, insurers, investment firms, lawyers, county commissioners, taxes, and whatever else comes down the line when all she wants to do is get her own stuff together and learn languages, paint pictures, write songs, poems, and sleazy romances? Is it any wonder she wants to go out into the back yard and scream?
And now Fio is angry about the prissy note she received from the president of her HOA lecturing her about her driving. She is not the world's best driver, but she's usually one of the most conscientious ones, although a couple of times lately, she's had to put the pedal to the metal to seek out emergency help. (Fio should add that she and her neighbors live on acreage and there are never children in the road.)
Fiorella can't let go of that note. Did Prez ever think about talking around to find out if Fiorella was having some problems the HOA could help with? Did he know her husband died in January, and she's been rowing the boat herself ever since? Did he know that the County had screwed her over? Did he know she writes books and often takes characters from real life? HELLO, NEXT VILLAIN!
More on Prez. This is the guy who wants our wilderness HOA to supervise lawn mowing, fencing, decorative "aesthetics," etc. Thankfully, the membership rejected his power play. Hey, should Fiorella send him back a note informing him that she is actually DR. PLUM, rather than the "MRS. PLUM" he addressed his note to?
Friend Paula, who couldn't meet with Fio in Austin today, called Fio earlier in the morning and they had a nice chat, which Fiorella appreciated because she is quite isolated out here in the boondocks. 🧡Thirty-seven years of friendship count for a lot.🧡

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