Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What Day Is It?

Oops, Fiorella messed up again, and the post you'll read tomorrow will be the one she wrote for today so now she'll tell you about today. 

Fio started the day without her morning newspaper, which irritated her immensely because it's hard for her to function without her comic strips and anagrams. Not only that, but Facebook acted like she was a foreign invader and wouldn't let her post any of her trademark scintillating comments.
But she couldn't let the rejection get to her because Wednesday is Drive-to-Austin Day and Fio had scheduled three meet-ups, the first at 10:00 at Starbucks with friend Evelyn, the second at 11:30 at Dan's North with brother and Friend Paula, the third at 1:30 with friend Joan at Dan's South. Unfortunately, what she hadn't scheduled was the on-and-off rain, a parade of HUGE trucks monopolyzing the highway, and two automobile wrecks, all of which made her fifteen minutes late for Starbucks. Luckily, friend Evelyn forgave her.
Although Fio may have seemed a little wild-eyed by then, her rondevous with Bill and Paula, then Joan, came off well, but the drive home was rampant with daredevil drivers. Also, someone had wonked Fio's passenger-side side mirror, and she didn't realize it until she was on the highway.
Coming back to the house, Son taught Fio how to use her new double-duty printer. He also tried to help her get back on Facebook, but it was a no-go--even though she's never posted anything negative about Zuckerberg...yet.
Hey, hey! She  just tried the stupid FB again and was able to post!

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