Sunday, March 24, 2019

Chocolate, Trump, Dog, Politics, Paperwork

Fio's relationship with chocolate is a variation of veni, vidi, vici--not came, saw, conquered, but saw, bought, digested. There are other ways to handle stress than reaching for a chocolate bunny, but Fiorella's neighbors get unerved if she has a shrieking fit in the back yard.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones
Brothers under the skin--
Heartless liars whose only joy
Is watching the profits roll in
The vet says Sonia dog weighs 124 pounds. Ah,124 pounds--those were the days.
Fio's hearing that because of the tribal division in the Senate, Trump cannot be evicted for two more years, but she's hoping unexpected events will speed up his departure before he screws up the country--and the world--more than he already has.
Gotta look through all the insurance paperwork again to make sure nothing got missed. Who knows what Fiorella's future holds?

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