Monday, March 25, 2019

From Springtime to Flint

The green carpet of springtime is dappled by yellow and blue and white and pink flowerets everywhere Fio looks--and steps. Yes, hauling a little red wagon full of rocks to the road, where her open car trunk awaits, is not conducive to maintaining the innocent beauty of nature.
OMG, Fio didn't realize she'd become a computer addict, but she was totally unerved when Elder Son seized control of her PC for the last day and a half. To make it worse, it took a long, nail-biting time to link su computadora with the new Mac, and Son had to involve Apple trouble-shooters all the way up the line to a senior tech-support guy.
Fiorella's gotten away with skipping steps her whole life, and the digital world won't let her do that. Stupid technology!
In the morning, Fio hauled rocks. In the evening, she drove over to Home Depot and bought twenty metal staves to get a start on closing up the gap in the fence on the north fence. Her next step is to buy the appropriate rolls of fencing. And to get Son to help her mark off the fence line with a compass, although he doesn't know that yet.
With bowed head, Fiorella confesses that she, who keeps talking about downsizing, found two big beautiful chunks of black flint while she was out pacing the fence and brought them back to the house. Don't tell anyone.


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