Thursday, March 21, 2019

Fiorella Is Tired and a Bit Grouchy

Knives, watches, belt buckles, books, coins, fountain pens--Husband collected them all, and it's up to Fio to be sure each one of them ends up in the right hands. Sigh.
Hey, hey--Fiorella has listed all the street-number addresses she has lived at in her life and come up with this chart, which seems to possess an overabundance of "nines." Numeralogists, have at it!
When Fio awakens in the morning, the first thing she does is exercise her fingers by practicing piano scales in the air against the light of dawn. Not that she has time to play the piano anymore.
Yes, Fio houses her computer under the couch. Do you seen any other surfaces available around the room?
To tell the truth, Fiorella is looking forward to taking control of her own life. It would be nice if she could do more of what she wants to do, not just what she needs to do.

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