Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Strictly Fiorella

Fiorella puts her watch on first thing every morning so she can get a-tickin', but sometimes she doesn't want to arise, arise, shine. She's had to do all her life--get up for school, for work, to take care of the house and the family, and now that she's all alone, you'd think she'd get a break. But Sonia Dog and her own urinary tract think otherwise.
Fio has narrowed her interests as she has gotten older. Obviously, running hurdles in the Olymipics is off the table, but Fiorella was never much of an athlete anyway. She's also lost interest in being rich and famous. Wealth comes with all sorts of complications, and fame is a two-edged sword. Strangely, she isn't that interested in food any more either--not that she ever cooked that much, but she did eat a lot more at one time. Now she just wants to write, be artsy, play around with langauges and music, and hang out with friends and family.
Elder Son is scheduled for a Wednesday arrival this week so Fiorella is scurrying around the house and trying to get everything in order, which is a bit difficult at trhe moment because she's bound and determined to down-size, down-size, downsize. La despensa (the pantry) has undergone a total overhaul, and los estantes, cajones y armarios (shelves, drawers, and cabinets) in the kitchen are next in line.
Fio filled two trash bags with Husband's collection of herbs, spices, sauces, and the like. Her cooking is minimal, the kids have already taken what they could use, and food closets don't accept anything that has been opened.
Whew--it looks like Fio is half through the legal stuff. She's paid off the funeral home, squared herself with the bank and the car insurance people, sent off her claims to the insurance companies, and this week, she'll meet with a probate attorney. Now if she could just remember where she put the list of the people she should have written a thank-you note to a month ago.
Did Fiorella tell you that she is trying to cut way back on chocolate and cookies? Yesterday was her first "dry" day, and it was hard, but she's determined to take off those five pounds she's put on since the Christmas candy hit Walgreens. (It'll give her leeway for Easter.)

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