Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Paint Job, the Weather, the Taxes, My JoJo,

 Fio is up-and-at'm with her current paint job--the four-foot-by-five foot Acrillic of her family when we/they were all MUCH younger, but your girl is using the same old paints so far and is proud (and surprised) to say that she's still got her talent. Now, if she can just round up some clients....BUT AFTER HER SELF-ASSIGNMENT IS COMPLETED, PLEASE.

Has Fio told you that it's so hot down here in Texas that she has two units running in her bedroom, an overhead and a floor fan? 

Son L has just reminded Fio that it's time for her to work out her Taxes again--your girl's most un-cheery time of the year. Excuse me, but did Fio same say "day?" Fiorella has a very good accountant, but it always takes a tun of time....mostly because your girl has a tendency to throw away what the thinks she'll never need again...but she does.

Has yours truly ever introduced you to her husband, Jo Jo, the big, stuffed panda she bought at Walmart after Christmastime last year? He doesn't have much to say, but we sleep together every night and he always has a smile on his face....

GERMAN: der Sohn is what we have been suffering from lately and you can call it pritty much like in English

                    What we would like to see is der Regen, of course (Rain)

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