Monday, August 28, 2023


 To wash her dirty clothes tonight or not to wash her clothes dirty clothes tonight....Fio will probably end up doing the latter. After all, because she's inside most of the time, her clothes never really get more than a wrinkle. (Besides, Daughter-in-laws has already staked out the washer.)

Will Fio get a ride to church on Sunday or not? As you will remember, her Pastor located a woman who expressed interest in your girl "Gettin' to the church in time," as the song goes, but we'll see, we'll see....

The church itself has probably changed a lot since Fio last saw it, and the congregation will look different too, but Pastor has assured your girl that there are still people in attendance who will recognize her. It will feel odd though, that she will be entering the church without Husband beside her. 

Changing the subject, Fiorella is half finished with the giant family painting that she's working on. Mom and Dad are pretty well finished-- Son L is almost done and Son K is coming along, but Daughter will take a while. Give Fio a month or two....or six.

GERMAN: schlecht. "inferior, bad"   Pronunciation: shlect

                    and remember that gut is "good" and the "u" is pronounced like "oow"


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