Saturday, February 22, 2020

Too Much to Do, Too Little Time!

One of those busy, busy days again when Fiorella has to wait till the evening to look over Lolly's story, but she's determined to do it, come hell or high water. That girl has been running around in Fio's mind for five years now.
Yours Truly's thrill for the day was to discover that not only her beloved Miata, but also Husband's Mercedes are on the blink. Richard at Mazda was kind enough to keep the doors open until Fio got Baby Car over and then drive Fio home, but the Queen Mary is going to have to wait awhile. Meanwhile, Fio may have make use of Georgetown's one-man taxi service.
In the midst of everything else, Fiorella is madly searching through every piece of paper on the dining room table and all the ships at sea, trying to find some very important 2019 tax information, which is very hard to do, what with all the papers she's accumulated this year.
 Did Fio tell you that one of the Bankers at her bank is an aspiring romance writer? Poeple, we are everywhere, and the world is better for us💓!
How can it already be February 22?? Fio is way behind on what she wanted to get done this month, so please, someone--TURN BACK THE CLOCK!!

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