Sunday, February 23, 2020

Three Aspects of a Good Day

What a good day! Fiorella went through the first couple of chapters of Lolly's story, marking it all the way, and feels very good about her third book's prospects. It will take a while to get the story in shape, of course, but Your Girl's writing better than ever--probably because you've let her hone her skills on the blog (thank you).
The second part of Fiorella's good day was that su donella found the gold watch Fiorella had lost a while back. It was buried deep in the couch cushions, and all Fio can figure out is that she must have put it on a couch arm, then knocked it down the crevice between the arm and the cushion. 
The third part of her good day was that Bastrop son called and said he'll be coming over not only to help her with the house, but also with the Mercedes, which, as you remember, decided to bite the dust on the same day that Baby Car did.

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