Monday, February 17, 2020

Remembering Wendy, the Wonder Dog

Fiorella doesn't see any rainbows in the sky right now so rather than burden you with her miseries, she'll post a selection of her poems about Sonia's predecessor, Wendy the Weimar:

Wendy Saves the World Again
     Her nape is high, her lip is curled
     Her bark is loud and clear
     As Wendy the Weimar saves the world
     From flying bird and chittering squirrel
     And utterly unconcern-ed deer

Canine Gourmet
     Wendy, Wendy, in the woods
     Eating acorns by the score--
     Wendy, Wendy, in the house
     Vomiting upon the floor
     Wendy, Wendy, I implore
      Don't eat acorns anymore

Narc Bark
    Wrapped and treated yet again,
   Totally unconed,
   Wendy Dog's content at last
   To sit and gnaw her bone
   The vet prescribed some happy pills--
   Yes, Wendy Dig is stoned

Weimars Rule!
     Our Wendy is a sweetie dog
     Who understands her place--
     On pillow soft, on couch or bed,
     Being patted on the head,
     Lazing on the bathroom rug
     Or licking at my face

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