Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thursday Blues

Fiorella is doing her best to be cheerful and forward-looking, but actually, she's somewhat frightened by the dirty tricks coming out of the White House.
     She's also reeling from another couple of rounds with technology yesterday, first at Click, then at the library, which helps dummies like her on Wednesday afternoons. Hopefully, the problem about the iCloud and privacy protection are now solved, but just in case, she's visiting Click again today.
     Life was so much easier when paper, pen, and typewriters ruled the roost.
Speaking of paper, pen, and typewriters, Fiorella is meeting up with writer friend Ann Bell at--where else?--Starbucks this morning, and hoping to get tips on self-publishing. Everyone else has been doing it for five years, but It will be a new adventure for Yours Truly.
And yes, yes, yes, Fiorella will tease you with one more page of Lolly's story tomorrow.

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