Sunday, February 2, 2020

Politics--Soft Middle--Politics

Fiorella is so excited--someone has put her DUMP TRUMP slogan on yard signs! 
Another milestone for Fio--she's found all five of her Lolly notebooks, the first step in uniting them into one giant loose-leaf libreta. Lolly, for those of you who haven't read Fiorella's first-published romance, is the daughter and of the hero of the first book, and she's as headstrong as they come.
     Going through the years of writings she's now stacked on the steps of the staircase, Fiorella was surprised to learn that she'd been pretty damn headstrong herself. As a reporter, she stepped into some situations that could have been sticky or even dangerous (more on that later), and as a professor, she did things like put together her own curriculum for her Creative Writing class instead of making the students buy a stupid textbook.
 On the side, Fio is trying to collect all the poetry she's ever written through the years. Thank goodness that she'd posted a fair amount of it on her blog because it's hard to keep track of single-sheets of paper. Where the heck is that poem she wrote years ago about herself and her little brother being together under an umbrella while it was raining?
The impeachment thing went about like Fiorella thought it would, which was disgusting, but your girl still has hope. The whole nation has now seen blatant corruption close up, and Nancy Pelosi is not one to put all her eggs in one basket.

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