Sunday, November 10, 2019

Turning Fio's Life Upside Down Again

Fiorella is looking forward to looking at new houses with Bastrop son today. At the same time, she's a little sad. She loves her home in the middle of the woods and had thought she would live in it for the rest of her life, but such was not to be. It's hard for one person to keep up a big house by herself, not to mention tending to the acreage. Besides, despite Sonia Dog's loving care, Fiorella is lonely.
     This year has been hard on her. She's had to be emptying a house in preparation to selling it and, at the same time, be maintaining it in order to get top dollar, not to mention keeping it livable while she's still in residence. Then there's the decision-making--what to keep and what to toss, whom to give what to, what's worthwhile to fix and what isn't.
     She'd like to say that she will miss her neighbors, but that isn't true. They've all been helpful in their own ways, but living on acreage means you rarely see the people next door--or even across the road. Besides, Fio, has always been a fish out of water in the area. No one else writes or paints or sings or posts campaign signs.
     What she will miss, though, is the woods, which she has never actually seen all of. She loves the rocks and the trees, the spring wildflowers, the feeling of freedom--of being alone with herself. She loves discovering things like the boulders lining the dry creek, enchanting patches of light hidden in the trees like pits of sunshine, the remains of old campsites, deer antlers, even stupid armadillo dens.
     Yes, moving out will be hard for Fio, but it is of her own volition.

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