Thursday, November 14, 2019

Back to the Cave Man Days

It feels odd--ten-months plus after Husband's death, and Fiorella has wrapped up everything but getting his automobile transferred into her name, which will soon get that done. Then she will have time not only to continue cleaning out the house in preparation for sale, but to wade through her hundreds of manuscripts, finish off her third Bosque Bend novel, and leap into the publishing world again.  
     Of course, publishing has changed mightily in the years she's been out of the scene--self-publishing and self-promotion are the name of the game now, and while Fiorella can get help from writer friends with self-publishing, she's no good at self-promotion--just wasn't brought up that way.
Right now, though, Fiorella is wrapped up in laying in a fire in the fireplace like she did last years, but about two months earlier than last year. Will the unusually cold weather take a turn for the better before Christmas to make up for its premature downturn, or will this be a very cold winter? Your guess is as good as Fio's.
Your girl has torn up a couple of sections of todays' newspaper to start a fire in the fireplace, after which she will add small twigs to keep the flame going, then add bigger twigs, then branches and cut limbs.
     Remember, Fiorella has a cord of hewn wood outside her front door, but she'll be saving her bounty till later, when she's back into fire-making again. Right now, all the split wood see to be glued together, y la lena esta uncovered, which means Fio will have to lug it inside the house dry out before she can use it.

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