Friday, November 29, 2019

Holiday Let Down

The family Thanksgiving gathering was great in relation to the hosts, the attendees, and the dinner, but Fiorella had hoped to collar younger son to talk about the button project. She'd also hoped that the items she'd gathered and brought with her in a plastic laundry basket could be claimed or identified as to their worth. And she'd hoped that Brother would like his birthday present, a collection of country-western songs. Finally, she'd hoped that everyone would enjoy the chocolate fudge she'd made as a dessert treat.
     Your girl struck out on all counts. Son didn't have time to talk because he had to hurry off to his wife's family's Thanksgiving dinner, no one wanted to help Fio with the contents of the laundry basket until she emptied it on the floor in front of them, Brother seemed mystified by the gift Fio had put so much time and trouble to get for him, and not a single person even tasted her fudge.
     Obviously, Fiorella has been solitary with Doggie for so long that she's lost touch with humanity, but maybe it's better that way because, the truth is that Fio doesn't fit in, and despite all her best efforts, she never will--anywhere.

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