Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Poetic Confessions

So much to do, so much to see
Fiorella is a busy bee--
Getting things done
And having fun
Are her joy in life, you see
Met up with Judy yesterday
Today it's Evelyn I'll meet
And after a trip to the chocolate store
Kaye will be another treat
Why are you playing with rhymes and beat
When your daily chores are incomplete?
Because a poem can flutter away
But dirt will stay for another day
My mother loved poetry and would frequently quote it
But as far as I know, she never wrote it
She'd set her own boundaries, you see,
An option that never occurred to me
I'll probably be up till three
And you can put the blame on me--
Chocolate and GERD do not agree
And I went on a Dove Bar spree

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