Sunday, November 24, 2019

From EEK to OMG!

EEK! Fiorella is so embarrassed--she let an unfinished post slip through the cracks yesterday. It's bound to happen every now and then because Fio has no proof reader, but it's still embarrassing. Her mother's daughter, she prefers perfection.
Your faithful correspondent has been burning the midnight oil lately finishing off the 300 requested VOTER REGISTER badges and the 100 self-assigned DUMP TRUMP buttons. Now to stir up more business--she's thinking about designing a button that will call attention to the plight of THE CHILDREN.
Thank you, God, that Fio's donella came yesterday because Yours Truly has been so involved with button-making lately that the house is a total mess. Fiorella's mother, whose house was perfection, would not have approved.
Fio has the television tuned to a Mexican sports channel as she writes this blog. Not that she likes sports, but she's noticed that the more she listens to Spanish-language TV, the more comfortable she is with the language. Of course, she's nowhere near at ease with la lingua as she was before husband died. but there's hope.

OMG! Fio doesn't know what time it is1 Her wristwatch has stopped! So has her back-up watch! Is the whole world standing still?

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