Friday, April 26, 2019

More and More Chocolate

It's 7:18 in the morning and Fiorella, who swore  off chocolate on Wednesday, then bought three large-size leftover Easter rabbits yesterday, then swore off again after eating a rabbit when la computadora froze up on her, is craving a chocolate fix this morning. Not only is she running around in the usual early morning frenzy, but she's discovered that she hadn't made her call to friend Suzy in England as scheduled. Also, she's dealing with a certain large dog who wants complete and total get-well-soon mothering.
It's 11:1. 5 and Fiorella's  missed making her call to friend Suzy in England AGAIN. Obviously Fio has screwed up the phone number AGAIN! She also discovered she's messed up the dates of her posts. (And you wonder why she gobbles down chocolate rabbits for solace.)
It's 12:35, and after some back and forth by email, friend Suzy sent Fio the correct phone number--and it was EXACTLY what your frantic heroine had been calling--twice!  Hmmm--does Walgreens have any more rabbits left? Say--several pounds of them?
It's 2:00, and Fiorella is now sitting on the couch untangling her misdating of blog posts as Sonia Dog snores peacefully beside her, which is good because it means Doggie isn't in as much pain as she was yesterday, when she whimpered every other second. Fio will have to keep her sweetheart downstairs and as inactive as possibel, of course, which isn't that hard with a mastiff.
It's 2:16, and Fio's decided to tackle more of the insurance and investment stuff as Doggie sleeps. Then, after the dining table is finally cleared, there will be the 2018 taxes to put together. Pray God there's a black market on Russell Stover rabbits somewhere that Fio can get connected to.

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