Friday, November 16, 2018

From Tongues to the Universe

Bon jour, meine fraulein! Nee how ma! Gahvahreetzee lee vwee pahrooskee? Get used to it--Fio tends to go language crazy every now and then. Aloha, mis amigos! Feliz el accion de gracias, which she hopes means "Have a happy Thanksgiving!"
If given the chance, Trump would claim credit for the sun in the morning and the moon at night.
Trump is not a conservative. He's an opportunist. His only goal in life is to get away with highway robbery.
To my kids: thank you, but I doubt of my paintings will end up in galleries. I didn't make a name for myself. Besides, I paint true, not fantasy.
Fiorella woke up in the morning with a perfect understanding of life, death, and the universe. Then the dog bounced downstairs, and Fio forgot everything.

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