Tuesday, November 27, 2018

All About Poetry

Hooray, hooray, hooray! Fiorella has finally finished her Christmas sonnet. It took her about a week, on and off, but sonnets are complex and call for a lot of thinking time. Now to figure what kind of border to put around the poem. Right now, Fio's leaning toward doing something with the gold candy bar wrappings.
Fio has to admit that it would have been a lot harder for her to write the poem without her trustworthy rhyming dictionary, the big green-covered one she got for Christmas when she was in her early teens and had started writing poetry. It's about three inches thick, and Fiorella wants it to be among her grave goods. Sure, there are slick-covered ryming dictionaries on the market, and sure, one can find abbreviated rhyming dictionaries on line, but that big green book has it all.
Okay, Fio can't hold back. The poem is called "Aspects," and it's about the four aspects of Christmas--joy, caring, prayer, and, of course, love.
Did Fio tell you that she's trying to amass a collection of all her old Christmas cards, which span more than fifty years? Not all of the cards are poetry, of course, and not all of the poetry is a sonnet. It usually depends on how much time Fiorella had available that year. Or how much inspiration strikes yours truly.
Fio will call upon Dan at Fed-Ex Kinko's to print the cards again. He's done her proud for many, many years now, and she tries to pay him back by posting a picture in Facebook of the two of them holding her finished card. She'll try to post the same pic on her blog, but don't hold your breath--Fio still doesn't know how to do that.

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