Thursday, November 15, 2018

Decorations, Woods, Gramp, Writing, Photos

As you've probably realized, Fio doesn't believe in buying holiday decorations when she can make them herself. Not only can she do it better, but she also saves money, which suits her inner Scrooge.
Life is so wonderfully simple when Fio goes out into the woods and gathers rocks, identifies dead trees, or hauls in fallen branches. Then she returns to the house . . .
Gramp, Fiorella's mother's father, was a great guy most of the time--until he got loaded. Fio's guessing a lot of alcoholics are like that.
Fiorella, you write about things like alcoholism, child molestation, and sexual misconduct in your romances. Why? Did those things happen to you? No, but they've happened to other people, and I write realism--and redemption.
It strikes Fiorella--who grew up in the era of Kodak and Poloroid--as weird that she now takes her photos with a "phone."

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