Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Rocks and Trees

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhod, as Mr. Rogers would say. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and the temperature was mild with a slight breeze. Fioralla grabbed the neighbors' mail, which had been misdelivered, and walked up the north driveway toward their house, studying her rocks all the way. Spring was here, she decided, and it was time turn her attention from gathering firewood to piling up more rocks aong the driveway. The dear departed trees and fallen branches clamored for her attention, of course, just as the rocks had during the long winter so Fiorella had to explain to the forest guardians that now was the time for them to rest and grow strong for the long winter to come.

It's the same with people, Fio thinks. Everyone wants to be useful, but we all have to wait our turn.

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